vineri, 6 iulie 2007

follow in hollow

A little girl appeared, followed by her mother, followed by Her mother, followed by a car, followed by metal accidents, followed by unseen brunches of purple roses, followed by 3 seconds of all the songs in the world, followed by a chair with no surprises, followed by semi-symbolic clocking-clock-clocks, followed by transparent plexiglas invasion of streets, followed by almost touchble windows to other worlds, followed by air dancers on two-level of air layers, followed by ever falling-to-my-left-birds, followed by side walks of green blotting-paper, followed by blue black ink eyes, followed by smooth shouts wraped around some pillars, followed by fast-forward distructive impressions gathered from every corner, followed by oblique headphoned trees, followed by…
are u following me?!

2 comentarii:

Jobove - Reus spunea...

please visit blog
thank you

cinesseur spunea...

"Anywhere you go, I'll follow you down
I'll follow you down, but not that far"

Gin Blossoms